
A five minute reading for Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and my new collection

In honor of Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and the publication of my new collection, here is a five minute reading from said the Frog to the scorpion and one other poem.

Poems read in the video (the first four appear in said the Frog to the scorpion):

"when she asks me about courage" published at Lover's Eye Press

Honestly, I really just need to stop writing “love” poems. It only ends with me in trouble with someone for some reason or another no matter what the actual content or context.

But until that happens, I am pleased to announce that my poem “when she asks me about courage” has found a home at Lover’s Eye Press.

It’s from chapbook with a limited run: two copies.

Featured Reader at Rozzie Reads 11/18/21

On Thursday (11/18) at 7pm, I will be one of two featured readers at Rozzie Reads Poetry put on by the good people at the Friends of Roslindale Branch Library.

Unless something changes, I will be reading a set of “love” poems, and yes “love” is in quotes for a reason. There will be selections from Teaching While Black and Dust & Ashes, along with some new and unpublished poems. These might include poems of unrequited love which might be about you. Who knows?

This is a Zoom reading that begins at 7 pm.

Here are the details:

Rozzie Reads Poetry on Zoom

When: Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:30pm – 9:30pm Eastern Time - New York


Meeting ID: 816 9946 5628
Passcode: 582069
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“Schizophrenia in G minor” — my only Valentine's Day poem


Schizophrenia in G minor

when i awoke yesterday
and found you beside me
atlas’ shoulders seemed to settle

as sweet sweat matted hair
hugged your face
in a vertical halo

the classical reprints
adorning our walls
sighed in jealousy

and i was in love

you’re a fat
rat nasty cow
and i wish
you would die


happy valentine’s day

Poetry East , #53 "Love Poems" Fall 2004